Wednesday 8 January 2014

There is a very important little piece of history that has found its home in my new kitchen.  While we have owned and lived in many houses, there are certain cherished possessions that follow us from house to house and it is those little things that ultimately make each house our home.  They aren't expensive treasures or works of valuable art, but they are precious items that carry precious memories that signify "home".

This strip of baseboard mounted vertically on my kitchen wall has recorded not only my children's heights over the years, but also the heights of friends, nieces, nephews, cousins….etc.  It represents the visits, dinners, parties…etc. of all the times we had fun recording heights over the years.  The kids just love looking over the dates and comparing growth spurts…..remembering such special times together.

Some of the original pen and pencil marks have been replaced with labels to prevent them from being erased during transport.  Which is another very crucial household item….the labeled!!  If you will notice in my previous post, I have used it to also label my spices and dry goods stored in glass jars in my pantry!

What precious possessions help to make your house into a home?!

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