Thursday, 28 May 2015

I found this beautiful glass vase - in the form of a sea turtle - at an estate sale.  I absolutely love anything to do with the ocean, the coast, the beach….etc so I was immediately drawn to it.

I think it holds these pretty pink peonies perfectly!!! Say that 3 times fast!!!

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Organizing….a favourite past time of mine! Today I worked on my baking cupboard.

I love these glass canisters that I found at superstore.

Now ready to bake some chocolate chip cookies for my kids.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

The sun is shining, the weather is warm, the trees have opened their leaves and the spring flowers are in bloom.  Time to bring summer back into the house!

I have restyled my bedroom for pretty summer living…..

Some pretty floral pillows, a quilted white coverlet, a tray with some great summer reads, fresh flowers and a beautifully scented candle!

Sweet Dreams!!